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Chapter summary from The Little Prince – Antoine Saint-Exupéry
A fox appears, and the little prince asks the fox to play with him because he is so unhappy. The fox replies that he cannot play because he is not tamed. After a while, the little prince asks what the meaning of “tamed” is, and the fox explains that to tame is to establish ties, meaning that if they are tamed, then the fox and the boy will need each other and become unique in each other’s eyes, despite all the other boys and foxes in the world. The little prince says that he believes there is a flower who has tamed him.
The little prince learns about what it means to form a relationship with another. The fox teaches him that this process forms an important bond between the tamer and the tamed—it is not being unlike anything that makes something unique, it is the connection a something or someone has with another person or thing. Uniqueness grows out of a relationship.